Shakespeare, Julius Caesar and Unrepeatable Scenes

“How many ages hence Shall this, our lofty scene be acted over, In states unborn and accents yet unknown.“How many ages hence
Shall this, our lofty scene be acted over,
In states unborn and accents yet unknown.”

(Julius Caesar, act 3, sc. 1)

Comment. Unlike Cassius’ predictions on the legacy of Caesar’s murder, the shameful, shameless and abhorrent acts of American imperialism are not to be acted over but buried into the cesspool of history.

Suffice, as an example, the imminent trial of Bradley Manning, guilty of having exposed the dirt and perversion of the industrial-military establishment. And while the young man deserves the Nobel Prize for Peace, there are those calling for a death sentence and/or life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Meanwhile the “targeted” assassinations, the tortures, the removal of the Habeas Corpus, the detention without charges and trial, the progressing annihilation of the Constitution, the resurrection of the Espionage Act, the prospect of martial law, the impunity of criminals and the punishment of innocents constitute a portfolio of crimes deserving the contempt of the world – and of those Americans still proud of independent thought.

The latter caveat refers to the battle that imperialism conducts on two fronts. Abroad without restraint, at home with the thought police. Key objective of the thought police is to kill the dangerous virus of independent thought. It is imperative to soften, weaken and liquefy the mind of the citizenry.

The obsequious instrument for the task is the corporate media, to mcdonaldise the food, cocacolise the drink and simpsonise the families of Americans at large.

How could it not be true! Just look at the terrifying examples, the indifference to the 1.3 million dead in Iraq, to the trial of Bradley Manning, to the siege of Julian Assange in US soldiers sodomise Afghan womanLondon  – and/or to the Afghan woman sodomized by American soldiers (see image), because the Afghans are “envious of our freedoms”.

The corporate media is silent – even the pictures of American soldiers urinating on the bodies of their victims, came out not from reporting but from other disgusted soldiers, not unlike Bradley Manning.

For totalitarianism does not grow by leaps and bounds, but by degrees, avoiding what might seem rash and unreasonable in the eyes of prudence.

In the instance, the success of the first “renditions” and then torture encouraged the administration to enforce arrests without warrant and killings without explanations.

Next, the state attacks the freedom of speech by declaring it a crime the exposition of government wrongdoings. For, as the press was founded for the purpose of information and knowledge, it is the duty of a totalitarian state to remove from its subjects the dangerous temptation of knowing what they shouldn’t.

Nor it can stop at any obstacle. The destruction of the environment is but one step in the destructive rage of totalitarianism – (see article of May 28, 2013, “Shakespeare, the Environment, Utah, a Hero and the Justice System”).

And yet there is a fundamental difference between this and preceding ages.  In former ages, epochal changes occurred not through planning but were forced on mankind by circumstances.

Consider, for example, the land that is now France, at the time of the fall of the Roman Empire (480 AD).

Neither the state nor the family could any longer provide adequate protection. The village community was barely strong enough to maintain order within its boundaries; the urban community scarcely existed. Everywhere the weak needed the protection of the stronger. The powerful man, in turn, could not maintain his prestige or his fortune, or even ensure his own safety except by securing for himself, by persuasion or coercion, the support of subordinates bound to his service. Thus there began to grow a vast system of personal relationships with intersecting threads running across the web of the social structure.

But in yielding to the necessities of the moment these generations of men had no conscious desire to create a new social form, nor were they aware of doing so. We call that social form “Feudalism”, after the fact – the term was only coined in the latter part of the 18th century.

Not so today. The enslavement of society to the tyranny of the banking system, the immense power of the military-industrial establishment, the coincidence of American interests with Zionism are not accidental events forced by circumstances. They are the careful result of a carefully crafted plan to reverse the social conquests of the last 150 years – part of the so called “New American Century” of which 911 was the trigger.

Paris was well worth a mass. The world was well worth the spectacular death of a few thousand Americans, if the spectacular death of a thousand at home could purchase the indifferent death of millions worldwide.

Readers may refer to the article of March 11, 2013, “Shakespeare and the Physics and Mathematics of NIST”. It includes the link to the farcical explanations of NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology) for the controlled demolition of World Trade Center 7, never hit by planes or anything else.

Clearly, if one building was purposely demolished, the whole tragic pantomime is what it was, a pantomime.

Meanwhile – as an aside – on the TV Latino channels, the US Army has gained a strong foothold, among the fast-food ads, the sugar drink ads and the 24/7 telenovelas. The US Government lures Latinos youngsters into the Army by promising an escape from poverty, free education and the fun of killing real people while playing a videogame.

No then, to acting-over the last 30 years of American history, however many ages hence. The scene is anything but lofty and, for the actors of this willed disaster, one suitable theater springs to mind, a toilet in Hell.

 In the Play: Cassius referring to Caesar’s assassination just committed.

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