Hamlet, act 2, sc. 2

 “…And now remains
That we find the cause of this effect”

In Current Language: We must try to understand the causes of what’s happening.

Suggestions For Use: When you are on the point of explaining to an audience the reasons behind a series of events and when the subject may be politically sensitive. The reference to Polonius, the speaker of this quote and generally amusing character in Hamlet, may hint that your explanation is purely historical and has no other hidden or malicious intent.

What Happens in the Actual Play:  Polonius undertakes a somewhat rhetorical explanation of Hamlet’s odd behavior, which he attributes to Hamlet’s passion for the lovely Ophelia.

Jimmie’s Comment.

For some of us it is difficult to inwardly reconcile the generalized spirit of goodness that characterizes the Christmas season, with the current and ongoing genocide in Palestine.

Many may possibly say that none of us can do much or anything about it – others may say that it is none of their business. Besides, everyone has enough issues to address in the management of his own life. Therefore, being interested in what occurs in sufficiently foreign and distant lands may appear as a proverbial waste of time.

Maybe. And yet some of us, even acknowledging our individual impotence to affect public events, may take the occasion to ascertain or refresh our respective knowledge of history. And, in the instance, of the main events behind and issuing from the current genocide in Palestine.

The essential question to be answered is NOT whether Israel should give back Palestinian lands to Palestinians, of which land Palestinians have only 20% but whether Israel had and has the right to invade and usurp Palestinian land, 72% of which is occupied by the Jews, while the rest is shrinking and/or reduced by ‘other methods’.

Furthermore, if the Jews have a biblical reason for occupying Palestine, the same argument could be used, in other instanes, for the people of one country to occupy another.

For example, the Italians have a justified ancient reason for occupying and removing Turks from Turkey. I don’t know whether Homer (the Greek writer, not the Homer Simpson of American television) is still taught or spoken of in European schools. But Homer was the author of the two poems describing the epics of the Trojan war which the Greeks won using the trick of the Trojan horse.

Troy was in Turkey and the Latin poet Virgil took up the narrative of the aftermath of the Trojan war. In which narrative, Anchises, who was a member of the defeated royal family of Troy, being old and invalid, was taken to Italy by his son Aeneas.

Here, in a convoluted series of events, Aeneas marries Lavinia, daughter of one of the local kings near what is today the city of Rome. And Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome descend from Aeneas.

The logical conclusion – following the Jewish example – is that the Italians have the right to occupy the current Turkish state. I will not write to Mr. Erdogan, the current Turkish prime minister to remind him of this claim. But, logically speaking the reasoning is flawless.

More seriously, French Jewish writer Bernard Lazare (1865-1903) writes, “Wherever Jews established themselves antisemitism arose. He admits that, quote, “the Jewish people have been hated by all the peoples among whom they have settled,” and concludes that the general causes of anti-Semitism lie in Israel and not in the peoples in whom it developed.

Such reasoning is not the result of racial hatred or Anti-Semitism, but is the observation of an author of Israelite origin, with an objective mind.

The Church, for example, opposed racial hatred and unjustified violence against Judaism, while constantly recommending prudence and taking measures that would preserve Christians from Jewish influence.

A generalized (let’s call it) European awareness of the nature of Judaism officially began in 1240 AD when Nicholas Donin, a French Jewish convert to Christianity, was involved in what it came to be known as the “Disputation of Paris”, which resulted in a decree for the public burning of all available manuscripts of the Talmud.

But returning to Jewish author Lazare, “The Jews – in part at least – caused their evils” because the Jew is usually an “asocial, inassimilable being” the word he uses is ‘unsociable’), who refuses to be assimilated by society, as he is politically and religiously exclusivist.

By studying history, it can be seen that, in most cases, vanquished peoples end up submitting to the victors and gradually assimilate their laws, or habits. Often the winners take up some habits of the losers. One example is Russia, who defeated the invader Napoleon. But this did not stop the Russian nobility from considering the French language an item of distinction, as shown in more than one Russian novel of the 19th century.

On the contrary, again quoting from Lazare, “wherever the Jews founded colonies, wherever they were transferred, they asked not only to be able to practice their religion but also NOT to be subject to the customs of the peoples among whom they were called to live, and to be able to govern themselves by their own laws.” Everywhere they wanted to remain Jews, as a people, as a religion, and as a state, and they were able to establish, thanks to the privileges thus obtained, a State within a State.

No better current and palpable evidence of this we have today, in the context of the Gaza genocide. Where the only country in the world to have opposed the UN call for a cease fire in Gaza has been the United States, where two per cent of the population essentially impose their will on the will of all the others.

Besides, irrespective of individual beliefs on religion, there is a difference between Mosaic and Talmudic religion. In fact Mosaism is what Christians call the Old Testament. Talmudism, essentially gives an upside explanation of what Christians at large call the Bible. Namely, the Cabalists or Talmudists maintained (and still maintain and recent evidence still seems to confirm it) that the world was created quote “to be submitted to the universal empire… of the Jews” unquote.

This was written about 150 years ago and one may argue that history lends itself to prove whatever argument one wishes to prove. But, in the instance, this prejudice is unfounded. The thread of hatred towards the generalized ‘other’ is there, even if, hopefully, it does not translate every day and everywhere in wholesale genocides as in Palestine.

Suffice to quote, for example, from the Israeli respected daily Haaretz, which, in turn, published a quote from a famous and recent Israeli rabbi (roughly equivalent of a Pope). The quote is well known among those who take an interest in these things, and follows the title, “The purpose of Gentiles is to serve Jews”

“The goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”
“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.
“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

All this is well known and one feels almost embarrassed to repeat it, were it not for the events that we watch unfolding in real time, including the Gaza genocide.

But, returning to Lazare, the Jewish writer I already quoted…  the cause of antisemitism is to be found precisely in the principles of Talmudism and not in the behavior of the host peoples, who mostly did nothing but defend themselves. Just as the Palestinians have tried to do, who have been robbed of about 80% of their homeland in about 70 years, from 1948 to the present.

There have been many writings and publications from the 1800 onwards essentially holding or demonstrating the same thesis, as advocated so openly by them famous Jewish rabbi.

One publication of worthy mention, known by relatively few, is a book in German, the translated title of which is “Practisches Idealismus” – practical idealism, written by Coudenhoeve Kalergi in the first part of the 20th century.

The thesis is essentially the same as that of the top-rabbi just quoted, except that Kalergi was a bigwig in the movement that led to the so-called European Union. Which, the European Union, by common acknowledgment, is united insofar as it is a colony of an empire whose driving forces cannot even be openly acknowledged.

Kalergi is celebrated with a premium assigned every two years to the person who “most contributed to the strengthening of the European Union.”

The following would seem almost unbelievable, were it not actual text of ‘Practical Idealism’.

Of this book (surprise, surprise) there is not an English translation available. But a couple of years ago, I translated into English another related book, written by an Italian academic who made a detailed study of Kalergi’s life, writings, and of his influence on post-WW2 European history.

At the end of the book on ‘practical idealism’ Kalergi describes how he envisions a united Europe ruled by the best of the European nobility married to Jews. Together, they would lord over a European people made of half-breeds working in large underground factories for the benefit of their noble and Jewish masters.

We have a kind of echo of this via the current pope. He fosters the creation of a Europe of mixed race, on the ground that the mother of Christ was also a half-breed.

To conclude paraphrasing another Shakespearean quote, if the thesis by Kalergi, the Gaza genocide, the US as the only country in the world supporting the genocide, the American unconditional support of Israel, were not palpable and undeniable facts, I would condemn the whole thing as improbable fiction.

But as we know, it is not fiction! Which almost calls for a final Shakespearean quote that I slightly paraphrase,

“Better I did not know,
So would my thoughts be unaware of reality,
And woes, by lack of awareness, would
Lose the knowledge of themselves.”

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