Shakespeare, Folly and Despair

Munch the scream as background to todays helplessness quote“…O my breast,
Thy hope ends here!”
(Macbeth act 4, sc. 3)

Tips for Use.  A good line at a corporate meeting if and when you see that the decisions taken will wreck the company or the business. But this could equally be the reaction of many to the type of news we hear and often see. Information that points to no recovery from collective madness, that seems to put an end to our hopes or expectations of and for a civil society. It wasn’t enough to watch videos showing soldiers urinating on the victims they killed – now we see other soldiers making a party of body parts. These grisly images – if it were still necessary –  refute Washington’s claim that the occupation of Afghanistan is aimed at liberating the Afghan people. They rather reflect the savage reality of the occupation, intended to crush popular opposition to foreign rule and to establish Afghanistan as a base from which the US’ 1% can pursue its efforts to dominate the geo-strategically critical region and – by inference and extension – the world.
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And I promise, no sales calls, trade leads, venomous schemes, hidden plots, Machiavellian conspiracies, commercial ploys, psychological tricks, leads exchanges, barter proposals, suggestions or offers of any kind imaginable (and unimaginable).
Of course, if you acquire the book “Your Daily Shakespeare” you will not only enjoy it but you will find it very useful. The quote in this post and more than ten thousand others will lead you to find the words that perfectly strengthen your argument(s). After all Shakespeare wrote them, I simply extracted, structured and compiled them so as to make Shakespeare both useful in your life endeavors and very “user friendly” as they say. And if you wish I will even sign the book. But this is the extreme extent of any “sales” effort, call or solicitation.

In the play. In the play. Malcolm portrays himself as unfit to govern (after the probable defeat of Macbeth) and Macduff who counts on Malcolm to be king, feels a pang of desperation. But Malcolm was only pretending.

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