“…may his pernicious soul
Rot half a grain a day! he lies to the heart”
(Othello, act 5, sc. 2)
Comments. Not Lincoln, but those who willingly falsify history. Steven Spielberg is one of the topmost masters of US propaganda and the heavily promoted movie “Lincoln” once more proves it. The film is no more accurate in its representation of a crucial period in American history (the consequences of the Civil War),

Sen. Crittenden, author of the Crittenden Resolution
than George Bush’ tale of Iraq’s “weapons-of-mass-destruction.” Tale that triggered the era of “perpetual war”, the verbal testament of the now disgraced Petreus.
To begin, contrary to popular myth, the Civil War had little if nothing to do with abolishing slavery. In this context, it may be interesting for readers of this entry to read Jefferson Davis’ account of the Civil War. Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate States. If the war was to abolish slavery why is it that it was the slave-holding South attacking the Union at Fort Sumter? Should it not have been the other way around?
The Civil War was fought between two sets Continue reading →