Tag Archives: famous sayings

Shakespeare on Mass Psychology, Irrelevance and Kate Middleton

 “…the fool multitude, that choose by show, Not learning more than the fond eye doth teach; Which pries not to the interior, but, like the martlet, Builds in the weather on the  outward wall, Even in the force and road of casualty.” (Merchant Of Venice, act 2, sc. 9) Comments and Tips for Use. The Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Shakespeare on Mass Psychology and Group Behavior, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Mass Psychology, Irrelevance and Kate Middleton

Shakespeare on Truth, Evidence, Probability and Libya

 “ ‘Tis probable and palpable to thinking.” (Othello, act 1, sc.2) Comment.  With timing seemingly impossible in its accuracy, on the anniversary day of the September 11 tragedy, another tragedy occurs, germane in spirit, smaller in scope but equal in significance. How is it  possible not to draw parallels, not only on the timing but Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Business Presentations, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Shakespeare on Mass Psychology and Group Behavior, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Truth, Evidence, Probability and Libya

Shakespeare on the Blessings of Ignorance and Impact on Government

 “Let me have men about me that are fat; Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o’ nights: Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.” (Julius Caesar, act 1, sc. 2) Comments and Tips for Use. Use the last two lines to cast a friendly and ironic Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Shakespeare on Education, Shakespeare on Mass Psychology and Group Behavior, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on the Blessings of Ignorance and Impact on Government

Shakespeare on Equivocation, Confusion and Meaning

“We must speak by the card or equivocation will undo us.” (Hamlet, act 5, sc. 1) Comments. Two historians separated in time by millennia said the same thing, A historian must describe things “as they happened” (wie es eigentlich gewesen), according to Ranke (author of the monumental History of the Popes). Much earlier on Herodotus Read More

Posted in Amusing Shakespeare, Answers to Interviews, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Fighting your Adversary, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style, Typical Interview Questions | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Equivocation, Confusion and Meaning

Shakespeare on Common Sense and its Pitfalls

“And what impossibility would slay In common sense, sense saves another way.” (All’s Well That Ends Well, act 2, sc. 1) Tips for Use.  A way to justify your going along with an idea suggested by others, though you rate its success unlikely. The lines also illustrate the inherent paradox of common sense. If common Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Encouraging Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Shakespeare on Mass Psychology and Group Behavior, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Common Sense and its Pitfalls

Shakespeare on Passion, Enthusiasm and Dangers thereof

“What to ourselves in passion we propose, The passion ending, doth the purpose lose.” (Hamlet, act 3, sc. 2) Tips for Use. Word of caution when you sense that the enthusiasm detectable at one moment in a group may be only momentary and destined to cool and abate when the passion of the moment is Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Answers to Interviews, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Passion, Enthusiasm and Dangers thereof

Shakespeare on Aging Gracefully, Wine & Laughter as Medicines

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come, And let my liver rather heat with wine Than my heart cool with mortifying groans, Why should a man whose blood is warm within Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster?” (Merchant of Venice, act 1, sc. 1) Tips for Use. A good answer to a question Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Amusing Shakespeare, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Chances Quotes, Encouraging Quotes, Medicine in Shakespeare, Motivational Sayings, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare on Health Care, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Aging Gracefully, Wine & Laughter as Medicines

Shakespeare on Recognition and Name Recognition

“… and every tongue that speaks But Romeo’s name, speaks heavenly eloquence.” (Romeo and Juliet, act 3, sc. 2) Tips for Use. It could be an answer to ‘Have you heard of So and So?’ where So and So is a lady of interest to you, e.g. ‘every tongue that speaks but (So and So’s) Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Amusing Shakespeare, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Business Presentations, Chances Quotes, Presentation Ideas, Romantic Shakespearean Quotes, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Recognition and Name Recognition

Shakespeare on Pageantry, Pomp and the Fleeting Nature of Power

“… what is pomp, rule, reign, but earth and dust? And, live we how we can, yet die we must.” (King Henry VI part 3., act 5, sc. 2) Comments. No explanation is needed for these words uttered by Warwick the king-maker as he lies on the ground, wounded during the battle of Barnet (1471). Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Chances Quotes, Fighting your Adversary, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Sayings about Life, Shakespeare in Management, Shakespeare in Politics, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Pageantry, Pomp and the Fleeting Nature of Power

Shakespeare on Modesty and Sex-Appeal

“… Can it be That modesty may more betray our sense Than woman’s lightness?” (Measure For Measure, act 2, sc. 3) Tips for use.  Here we have in verse the unassailable truth that modesty or elegant reserve are more enticing than explicit sexual messages. Regrettably many if not most of us have become inured to Read More

Posted in After Dinner Quotes, Best Shakespeare Quotes, Compliments, Elegant Shakespearean Quotes, Philosophical, Psychological & Historical Considerations, Presentation Ideas, Romantic Shakespearean Quotes, Shakespeare on Sex & Gender Roles, Social Exchanges Shakespeare style, William Shakespeare Love Quotes | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shakespeare on Modesty and Sex-Appeal